Cheadle Hulme


Church Road
Cheadle Hulme
Tel: 0161 485 3455

Email our Vicar: Rev Sarah Hancock

Prayers of Love and Faith - adopted by All Saints PCC

Living in Love and Faith graphic

Hello All Saints Congregation

I am writing to you regarding the Prayers of Love and Faith. These prayers have come from an initiative from the Church of England, called Living in Love and Faith. This was an initiative that spanned several years and invited people across England to gather in local settings to discuss relationships and human sexuality.

The results from Living in Love and Faith were debated in General Synod over many meetings about what the next steps are. After a lot of debate the Prayers for love and Faith were developed and released for use in churches. Previous to this decision there was no provision for those who are in committed same sex relationships to have their relationship blessed and prayed for. The prayers are to be used in the context of a service of the word or holy communion or for a blessing of a home.

There are different prayers included in Prayers of Love and Faith which includes Covenantal Friendship, a definition which is included in the document.

On Monday 27 January 2025 the PCC made the decision unanimously to adopt these prayers to be used at All Saints Church. Rev Janet and I are both willing to conduct services where these prayers will be used.

We are an inclusive church however, I would not want to assume the theological standpoint of everyone in our pews and therefore, if you would like to ask any questions or comment on the use and introduction of these prayers, please discuss these with me or with any of those who are on the PCC.

We will be introducing the prayers from Sunday 2 March 2025, which means from that date we will use them if they are requested.

Rev Sarah.

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