Cheadle Hulme


Church Road
Cheadle Hulme
Tel: 0161 485 3455

Email our Vicar: Rev Sarah Hancock

Giving at All Saints

One of the All Saints centenary quiltsA message from our Regular Giving and Gift Aid Officer, Kate Hughes

We find ourselves facing the biggest challenge of most of our lifetimes. In the interest of protecting the NHS, one another and saving lives, our church building is closed until further notice. Whilst we are not able to gather in worship for some time, All Saints remains an anchor of prayer, in the words of the Archbishops, we remain alive and active and the costs of our church building continue as our mission remains constant.

We have had several enquiries about how those not giving by standing order can continue to make their usual donations during the current crisis. Here is what we would suggest...

If you usually give by cheque or by blue or white envelope we suggest you set up a monthly standing order. This will enable us to continue to receive your weekly gift in a way that is safe and secure.  If you would like a form to do this, please either leave a message for me on 0161 485 1010 or email me or write to me at: 108 Radnormere Drive, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 5LB. You will be able to swap back to your preferred method afterwards should you wish to.

As many banks are operating reduced hours and providing reduced face-to-face operations, it is increasingly difficult for us to deposit cash and cheques. However, if you prefer to give by cheque please send them to me at the above address. If you wish to keep using the envelopes, please save them until we are out of 'lockdown.' 

We appreciate that some of you will be worried about the impact of the current Coronavirus crisis and may be facing severe financial challenges and as such feel unable to recommence giving until the situation has settled again. However, for those who are able to continue to give, our church and charities depend on this giving.

As we give we respond to the generosity of God in thanksgiving for all that we are and have and through our giving show our love for God, our neighbour and one another.  Thank you for all you are able to give.

With prayers and best wishes. 

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