Cheadle Hulme


Church Road
Cheadle Hulme
Tel: 0161 485 3455

Email our Vicar: Rev Sarah Hancock

Holy Week and Easter Services 2023

Cross on a hillside

Here is a list of our Easter services and events for April 2023.

Palm Sunday - Sunday 2 April

10 am Parish Communion. We remember Jesus riding into Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. Palm crosses will be available. 

Maundy Thursday - Thursday 6 April

7pm  A communion service where remember Jesus' last supper with his disciples. We also strip our church altars of their coverings.

Good Friday - Friday 7 April

12 noon to 3pm A time for reflection. A three hour watch with stations for reflection on the things that Jesus carried. Hymns will intersperse this time.

Saturday 8 April

11am Join Churches Together in Cheadle Hulme and the Salvation Army band for a short, family-friendly Easter service in Oak Meadow. Rev Sarah Hancock will be leading it. 

Easter Day - Sunday 9 April

10am Parish Communion. A joyful day! The church is transformed as we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. We will also be re-lighting our baptism candles. If you have been baptised, you are invited to bring your baptism candle as we reaffirm our baptism promises - for young or old. Tea and coffee will be served afterwards. Watch on YouTube


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