The All Saints Afternoon Bible Discussion Group begins again on Friday 7 January. During our upcoming sessions we will reflect on the early days of the church as described in the Acts of the Apostles.
The group is informal and sociable, you don't need to have any prior biblical knowledge or have to studied the discussion topic in advance. Just bring along a Bible.
The group meets in the church meeting room every fortnight at 2.30pm on a Friday.
There will be seven sessions in this series. But don't worry if you can't attend every one.
Here are the discussion topics:
Friday 7 January | 'Up before the court' | Acts 4:5-21 |
Friday 21 January | 'Communal living' | Acts 4:32 - 5:21 |
Friday 4 February | 'Getting organised', Stephen | Acts 6 and 7 |
Friday 18 February | 'The church spreads out', Philip | Acts 8 |
Friday 4 March | 'Saul converted' | Acts 9:1-31 |
Friday 18 March | 'Peter's exploits' | Acts 9:26 & 10 |
Friday 1 April | 'Not just for Jews' | Acts 11:1-26 |
Each discussion is followed by tea/coffee and biscuits.
For more information please contact our Reader, Pat Yates, who is coordinating the sessions on 0161 485 4546. You can also email us to 'book' your place.