Cheadle Hulme


Church Road
Cheadle Hulme
Tel: 0161 485 3455

Email our Vicar: Rev Sarah Hancock

Annual Parochial Church Meeting - Sunday 23 May

The All Saints' Annual Parochial Church Meeting (our AGM) will take place on Sunday 23 May after the 10 am service. We aim to start at 11.30 am.

Anyone who is on the church Electoral Roll is welcome to attend. If you are not on the Roll but would like to attend as an observer please contact the PCC Chair, Rev Sarah.

Download the APCM meeting agenda 

Under 'Any other business' all members can raise questions about any matter concerning the church. It is helpful to inform the Chair of these in advance so that the necessary information can be prepared. 

At the meeting, the Annual Report and Accounts for 2020 will be reviewed. These are in the process of being independently examined (part of the annual process) so the documents below are drafts as we await the examiner's 'sign off' 

Download the draft Annual Report  2020 

Download the draft Statement of Financial Activities (income and expenditure summary) 2020 

Download the draft balance sheet

Please consider bringing electronic copies of these documents to the APCM so that we can reduce our printing.


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