Advent and Christmas 2023
We look forward to welcoming you to any or all of the following events:
Sunday 1 December 3.30pm - Reflective Advent Service
Our annual advent service will be focussing on the carol Silent Night: All is calm, all is bright. There will be hymns, readings, poems and a time to pray and reflect. This is a wonderful opportunity to begin Advent before the busyness and chaos of Christmas arrives.
Saturday 7 December 10am to noon - Flower Group Coffee Morning
A chance to get started on your Christmas shopping and to buy your wreaths for the door. All funds raised at this event go towards the flower fund for the year ahead.
Saturday 14 December 10.30am - Carols in the Park
Churches from across Cheadle Hulme gather in Oak Meadow on Station Road for a short Christmas service. Followed by hot drinks and mince pies.
Saturday 21 December 4pm - Christingle Messy Church
We will be building Christingles during this service. All are welcome - not just for the kids, the young at heart are invited too!
Sunday 22 December 6.30pm - Carols by Candlelight
A chance to sing some of our favourite carols. Mulled wine and mince pies served afterwards.
Christmas Eve 4pm - Crib Service
A short service with songs and a story as we lay our crib. This is a wonderful, fun, interactive service for children and those who are young at heart. All are given an animal to place in our crib so no one is left out. Wear your Christmas jumpers.
Christmas Eve 11.30pm - Midnight Communion
The first communion of Christmas. We usher in Christmas Day with carols, readings and reflecting on 'the Word became flesh and dwelt among us.'
Christmas Day 10 am - Christmas Day Family Communion
Come and celebrate Jesus’ birthday with us. You are invited to bring a favourite present to show. Unfortunately we are unable to livestream our Christmas morning service this year.
Happy Christmas!